These premium products allow architects and designers to create stunningly realistic faux exteriors and interior product application surfaces with many advantages vs. alternatives.

Contact Kelly McNamara for information on products, services or locations.
Whether you're looking to simulate rich, burled walnut, golden oak, or virtually any wood you can imagine, Replikote Wood offers a wide range of shades, grain patterns and warm, natural beauty.
While Replikote Wood Series products deliver the authentic warmth, appearance and visual beauty of natural woods, they offer many superior benefits to the real thing, including significant savings in cost and weight and extended longevity in outdoor applications. RepliKote also reduces installation costs and virtually eliminates the requirement for maintenance.
It also eliminates the inevitable vagaries of real woods, with respect to color inconsistencies, grain variability and other inherent visual irregularities.
Using RepliKote Wood Series products is also more earth friendly on two levels: first, it eliminates the need to harvest and transport endangered rainforest woods; ironically, it also offer superior recyclability to real wood products. Further, RepliKote™ does not suffer from the inherent flammability of the wood products it simulates, enhancing the safety of the completed building or structure.
You’ll be amazed at the visual authenticity of woods emulated by RepliKote prefinished metal products.
These premium products allow architects and designers to create stunningly realistic faux exteriors and interior product application surfaces with many advantages vs. alternatives.
Superior technology and innovative production processes and coatings make RepliKote panels more durable than the product application materials they replace.
RepliKote eliminates the environmental destruction necessitated by forest harvesting and the mining of precious metals and minerals.