These premium products allow architects and designers to create stunningly realistic faux exteriors and interior product application surfaces with many advantages vs. alternatives.

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Anything you can visualize on paper can be printed beautifully with RepliKote for interior or exterior product application installations.
Set your imagination free! Whether it’s simulating the warmth of fabric, depicting vivid illustrations, photographic images, color or patterns — or anything else you can visualize in your mind — if it can be presented graphically, it can be printed beautifully, in full color, with RepliKote.
In addition to providing unrestricted opportunity for creativity in designs, RepliKote Image Series products offer significant cost savings compared with the materials they emulated, as well as alternative processes. RepliKote’s toughness delivers a product with superior durability compared to many alternatives (such as fabric coatings, plaster, stucco, etc.), and in addition to RepliKote’s superior recyclability, the processes used to manufacture it are more consciously earth friendly.
Unleash your imagination! Virtually anything you can visualize on paper can be printed beautifully with RepliKote for interior or exterior product application installations.
These premium products allow architects and designers to create stunningly realistic faux exteriors and interior product application surfaces with many advantages vs. alternatives.
RepliKote offers four series of simulated finishes, including precious metals, exotic woods, natural stone and virtually any custom imagery imaginable.
With RepliKote high-quality faux finishes, the desired appearance is more predictable, more consistent and more permanent.